
Information about cookies



What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded by your internet browser the first time you visit a website. The next time you visit this website from the same device, the cookie is either sent back to the originating website (first-party cookie) or to another website to which it belongs (third-party cookie). By that, the website can detect that it has already been opened using this browser, and can improve your user experience when you return to a website you have already visited. Cookies can for example remember your preferences, know how you use the website, and adapt the content you are shown so that it is more relevant to your personal interests and needs. Depending on the function and purpose of use, cookies can be divided in technical cookies, profiling cookies and third-party cookies.


Technical Cookies

These cookies do not require approval.

These cookies enable features that are absolutely necessary to use the website as intended. These cookies are used exclusively on this website and are therefore first- party cookies. They are only saved on your computer while you are actually browsing the website. Other technical cookies are analytic cookies used to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and on how they visit this site.


Profiling Cookies

These cookies require the prior consent of the user.

Profiling cookies are used to collect information and send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user in the context of browsing the web.


Third-party Cookies

As these are cookies of other websites (the so called third-party cookies) you’ll find below the information regarding the consent or the refusal of these cookies.
Further details on cookies



Cookies on this website

Technical Cookies
Name of cookiePurpose of cookieDuration
PHPSESSIDThe PHPSESSID cookie does not identify you as an individual. If you do not accept the use of cookies, you may experience problems displaying some sections of the website.Deleted at the end of your browsing session.
cookiealertAvoids the reappearance of the banner containing the information brief on cookies.Deleted after one year.
nocookieCookie to deactivate/delete all other cookies.Deleted after one year.
fe_typo_userIt ensures communication of the web page with the user. Serves to verify, for example, the security code of the contact form.Deleted at the end of your browsing session.
Profiling Cookie (First Party)
Third-party Cookies
_gwccThis cookie is used to distinguish users - Part of Google Analytics.Deleted after two months.
_gaThis cookie is used to distinguish users.Deleted after two years.
_gidThis cookie is used to distinguish users.Deleted after one day.

How can I disable Cookies?

To disable, remove or block cookies it is possible to use the browser settings, as shown under the links below, but please be aware that, in case of deactivation, full enjoyment of the site may not be guaranteed.

If you do not use any of the browsers mentioned above, please choose the option “cookies” (“help feature”) to find out where your cookie settings are. Third party cookies can also be cancelled or deactivated by the user. For further information please have a look at the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance website

We use cookies to give you the best possible service. Please be aware that, in case of deactivation, full enjoyment of the site may not be guaranteed.

Read privacy policy



Special offers suitable for families

Holidays in Trentino

Do you want to go on a mountain holiday? Whether it's summer or winter, we have created some family friendly offers! Depending on whether you prefer the snow or the sun, whether you are a fan of Christmas or Midsummer’s holiday, you will find the perfect package for you. First, however, we want to reveal a little secret: Trentino is wonderful in every season!

  • All
  • Family
  • Winter
  • Active
  • Summer

Bookable all year

Special "Be the first"

Would you like to plan your mountain vacation in advance? There is an offer made just for you...

07.07 - 03.08.2024

July sun 7 = 6

The #JULY SUN 7=6 proposal allows you to stay #7 nights for the cost of 6, one night's stay is free (the last).

25.08 - 07.09.2024

August top 7 = 6

The #AUGUST TOP 7=6 proposal allows you to stay #7 nights for the cost of 6, one night's stay is free (the last)

31.10 - 03.11.2024

La Perla... Halloween-Special
3 nights from € 139.00 per person

04.12 - 08.12.2024

Immacolata & S. Ambrogio
3 nights from € 184.00 per person

18.12 - 26.12.2024

La Perla… for Christmas Eve
5=4 from only € 352.00 per person

26.12.2024 - 06.01.2025

La Perla for New Year’s Eve
7=6 from only € 726.00 per person

02.01 - 07.01.2025

New Year's First Week
4 nights from € 389.00 per person

07.01 - 30.03.2025

La Perla for Ski Week 7 nights

Snow what a passion! The San Martino-Passo Rolle ski area offers 60 km of slopes for children and adults of all ages... it's never too late to put your skis on!

4=3 from only € 234.00 per person

23.02 - 09.03.2025

La Perla for Carnevale!
4 nights from € 329.00 per person

17.03 - 22.04.2025

La Perla… For Easter
4=3 from only € 219.00 per person

Can’t wait to go on holiday?

Sending the request is the first simple step!

Holiday data
Personal data
Other informations

I declare that I have read the privacy policy and consent to the processing of my personal data, which may be stored both in electronic and paper format.

The data is used exclusively for processing the request.

I consent to the processing of data by sending this contact form.

We use cookies to give you the best possible service. Please be aware that, in case of deactivation, full enjoyment of the site may not be guaranteed.